Across a horrifically scarred Earth an endless war rages, a life or death struggle for survival. Ruthless warlords raise new empires on the ashes of dead cities, battling for control of precious artifacts: relics of lost technologies and reality-bending anomalies that should never have been called into existence. Oases of civilization are beset on all sides by hordes of grotesque mutants, dimension-crossing horrors, and powerful techno-barbarian tribes, and the unnatural forces harnessed to defeat them may bring a fate worse than death.
This is man's darkest century - humanity stands at the brink as shadowy rifts in reality itself threaten to corrupt all mankind. Can your forces stem the tide of darkness, or will you too be consumed?
Dark Century is a company-level sci-fi/fantasy wargame set in a dystopian future where dark energy weapons have torn great rifts in the very fabric of space and time, destroying civilization as we know it, and warping reality itself into a cross-dimensional hell on earth.
Gameplay is heavily focused on unit morale and on coordination between units. Headquarters units are able to lead groups of infantry, combining the strength of many units in a concentrated effort against the enemy. Vehicles play an important supporting role, and other crucial battlefield support roles are represented by off-table support assets which can be called upon to influence action on the table, or pitted against one another, to turn the tide of battle. Ultimately though, it falls on the infantry to take the objectives and win the day.
So assemble your forces, be they adamant-clad Legionaries, crude Greenskin mutants, or twisted Reavers of the Blight Zones, and be wary - the veil between planes has been parted, and reality will never be the same again.